2012年9月30日 星期日

如何前往火星 HD (非常酷!)

精神,MER-A(火星探測車- A),是一種主動探測車在火星上,2004至2010年。這是兩個火星車的美國航空航天局正在進行的火星探測使命之一。它成功降落在火星上04:35接地UTC 2004年1月4日,三個星期前,它的孿生兄弟,機會(MER-B),降落在地球的另一邊。選擇它的名字通過美國航空航天局資助的學生徵文比賽。流動站成為停留在2009年年底,2010年3月22日被送到其與地球的最後一次通信。



流動站繼續在一個靜止的科學平台的作用,直到通訊溶膠2210(2010年3月22號)精神停止。JPL繼續試圖恢復接觸,直到2011年5月24日,美國航空航天局宣布,努力溝通無響應流動站已經結束。正式告別計劃在陣亡將士紀念日假期後,美國航空航天局總部和NASA TV電視上的剪輯是從2006年的IMAX電影“巡迴火星”。這是一個編輯的短版。感謝您的觀看。


On May 1, 2009 (5 years, 3 months, 27 Earth days after landing; 21.6 times the planned mission duration), Spirit became stuck in soft soil. This was not the first of the mission's "embedding events" and for the following eight months NASA carefully analyzed the situation, running Earth-based theoretical and practical simulations, and finally programming the rover to make extrication drives in an attempt to free itself. These efforts continued until January 26, 2010 when NASA officials announced that the rover was likely irrecoverably obstructed by its location in soft soil, though it continued to perform scientific research from its current location.
The rover continued in a stationary science platform role until communication with Spirit stopped on sol 2210 (March 22, 2010). JPL continued to attempt to regain contact until May 24, 2011, when NASA announced that efforts to communicate with the unresponsive rover had ended. A formal farewell was planned at NASA headquarters after the Memorial Day holiday and was televised on NASA TV.

The clip is taken from the IMAX movie "Roving Mars" from 2006 . This is an edited short version. Thanks for watching and please take your time to rate.

